You’ve created your own WordPress website, you’ve shared the link on your social media pages, and you’ve been posting updates on your site. Why are you not receiving the traffic you deserve? WordPress is the top website builder in the world, and it is because the platform is so easy to use. It’s also considered to be the best content management system for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) too. If you want to take full advantage of using WordPress for your website, here are a few tips and tricks that may help:

  1. Pick an SEO-friendly theme. WordPress offers so many free website themes that you should take advantage of, but choosing a theme can be difficult because there are so many options. When looking through theme options, make sure you choose one that is tagged “SEO-friendly”. This means that the theme of your website will not work against your SEO results. Responsiveness is one of the distinctive features of an SEO-friendly theme, which just means that your site will look beautiful on all devices. Your site should also be home to a lightweight theme. Because page loading speed is important when it comes to SEO rank, your site should load as quickly as possible.
  2. Make sure your permalinks are clean. Permalinks are the permanent links you see when you access a website. When you create pages and posts in WordPress, it’s important to edit your permalink for each new page or post. Make sure these links are simple and clean. This is much more user-friendly than a URL that includes lots of random numbers and letters.
  3. Get an SSL certificate. A Secure Sockets Layer is a layer of coding that encrypts the connection between browsers and webpages so that the user is protected. An SSL certificate is denoted by a small padlock displayed in front of the page’s URL. This will help with your site’s credibility and increase your SEO as well, because Google will trust your site more.
  4. Don’t get rid of backlinks. Backlinks are a timeless best practice of SEO, and they remain very important when it comes to ranking in Google’s algorithm. Backlinks build the authority of your page. Creating good-quality backlinks takes time and effort, but you can accrue these types of backlinks over time with strategies like guest posting, blog commenting, infographics, and email outreach.
  5. Optimize your site’s speed. There are many ways that you can optimize your WordPress website for speed, including choosing a lightweight theme, choosing a responsive theme, optimizing images for the web, utilizing browser caching, and improving server response time.
  6. Optimize your site for voice search. Voice assistants are becoming more and more popular, so therefore people are using voice search more often. Make sure to use conversational language in the content that you post, and update your local Google My Business listing. In addition, optimizing the speed of your site will help.

At Web Badger, we’re ready to help you with all your digital advertising needs, including building and maintaining your WordPress website. We want to see your website be as successful as possible, which includes helping you learn the ins and outs of WordPress. Contact us today to get started!