Large companies have an easier time building successful digital marketing campaigns for their companies. Why? They have more resources to do so. When it comes to small businesses, we know that you may not have as many resources to devote to digital advertising. But digital marketing is more important now than ever before, so we want to provide some helpful, cost-effective strategies to successfully advertise for your company. We’re here to help you achieve all your digital marketing goals at Web Badger. We offer elegant web design, full website analytics, and digital advertisement placement to get your website on the right track. Our goal is to help you learn the ins and outs of search engine optimization and use WordPress to your advantage, bringing you new levels of success in your business. Contact us today to work with us!


Focus on the content you provide on your website, and make sure your content is quality. Engage your audience and potential customers with relevant blog articles, interesting infographics, and helpful videos. The great thing about WordPress is that the platform offers many free blog templates to help you get started. While producing great content takes time, it’s worth the effort.

Benefits of Creating Quality Content:

  • It can increase your social media engagement by giving your fans something valuable to share and talk about.
  • It can also help you rank higher in search results. Google loves fresh, relevant and quality long form content.
  • It’s a great way to increase your credibility and position your brand as a thought-leader.
  • It helps you to nurture and generate leads. Try creating a landing page which asks people to give their contact details in exchange for access to exclusive content (e.g. ebooks and meatier reports).

Organic SEO

Search Engine Optimization does not have to cost a lot to get the job done. Sure, paid search ads can be expensive, but there are so many things you can do to help your website rank higher using organic ads. You don’t have to understand the ins and outs of the internet perfectly to see an improvement in your organic ad SEO. Here are some useful tips when it comes to organic ads:

Organic SEO Tips:

  • First assess your website’s SEO as it stands. To do so set up a Google Webmaster account. All you have to do is register, verify your domain name and follow the outlined steps. Google will give you tailored tips on the SEO elements your website needs to address.
  • When you’re creating fresh content make sure you’re filling in all the meta data Google asks for. Worth remembering: Google search spiders can only read and understand words so it’s important to add meta descriptions to your images too.
  • Google now looks for and ranks for longer tail keywords – each one of your website pages should have a specific theme or topic. And remember: never stuff your pages with keywords as you will be penalised.
  • Google prefers in-depth content and has indicated that longer posts of 1,500 to 2,000 word length are rewarded accordingly. However, quality is always key.

Social Media

For smaller businesses, social media is necessary. If you’re looking to increase your brand’s visibility, social media is an effective way to connect with your customers. Spend time making sure you’re using social media in the right way; focus on customer service especially. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Social Media Tips:

  • Choose your social media sites wisely – it’s best for smaller businesses to concentrate on a few select social media channels. Anymore and you might not have the time to manage them all. The only channels you should be using are the ones your customers are using.
  • Take advantage of free analytics. The major social media channels like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter give a quick and easy-to-understand synopsis of how your posts and pages are performing.
  • Identify with key influencers in your industry and engage with them. Those with a high Klout score are a great place to start. The goal is to eventually get people with a large social media presence to share your content. But first you’ve got some relationship building to do – try offering a favour and/or sharing their content.
  • Use a scheduling tool like Hootesuite or Buffer to schedule your posts to send throughout the day. Choose the times that give you the highest traffic and social media engagement.